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Nouvo St-Roch Nouvo St-Roch

Nouvo St-Roch

165 rue St-Joseph Est, Québec, G1K 3A8

Opening hours

Monday: 11am to 7pm
Tuesday: 11am to 7pm
Wednesday: 11am to 7pm
Thursday: 11am to 7pm
Friday: 11am to 7pm
Saturday: 10am to 6pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm


Located in the trendy Nouvo St-Roch bourough, we invite you to discover the William J. Walter experience.  With a great sausage variety ranging from the classic and traditional to the original and colourful, it will be our pleasure to transmit our passions and guide you to a delightful culinary experience.  

  • William J. Walter sausages

  • Québec wines

  • Microbrewery beer

  • Mustards

  • European sandwiches

  • Fine Products

  • Olive oils

  • Fresh Pasta