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 Saint-Jérôme  Saint-Jérôme


617 rue St-Georges, Saint-Jérôme, Québec, J7Z 5C1

Opening hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10am to 6pm
Wednesday: 10am to 6pm
Thursday: 10am to 6pm
Friday: 10am to 7pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: Closed


Christophe Charretton invites you to his French Provence inspired boutique.

William J. Walter St-Jérôme offers as always the great sausage selection but it is also a specialty fine product boutique.  Always innovating, there is something new to discover every week.  An excellent place for refined gift ideas.

  • William J. Walter Sausages

  • Microbrewery beers

  • Olives

  • Olive oil 

  • Homemade Cassoulet

  • Products of la Provence

  • Raclette cheese

  • Coffee & tea

  • Gift ideas

  • Everything for the sauerkraut

  • European sandwiches to go